Jewellery: Open Studio—Beyond the Basics

Do you have a project idea but need to know where to start? Want a little more experience before you set up your own jewellery studio? Need some structure and some pep talks? This course is for you! You'll have the support of working goldsmith Samonte Cruz, who will help you troubleshoot and build new skills as you create.

Students will require safety glasses and N95 masks.

CEWT Jewellery Open Studio Beyond Basics

Meet the Instructor

Samonte Cruz is a working artist with over 19 years of experience as a community educator. In 2015, Samonte began their training as a metalsmith at Kootenay Studio Arts, Selkirk College. In 2018, Samonte was hired as an apprentice to an award-winning goldsmith, Paul Durkin, at Lauener Brothers Jewellers, in Trail, BC. In addition to teaching, Samonte also runs their own creative business offering custom one-of-a-kind jewelry and accessories, while running their own online shop. For more information about the artist visit or follow them on Facebook & Instagram @samontecruzstudios.

Visit our registration page for course locations, times and fees.

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