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Our Commitment to Donors

Selkirk College and the Selkirk College Foundation are committed to providing equal and accessible higher education across our region. We appreciate your contributions to our work and acknowledge we couldn’t provide the same level of support without your generosity. We will continue to work closely with you to meet our goals and at every opportunity endeavour to provide recognition for your support. 

Every gift contributes to supporting student learning and it is our responsibility to care for all the gifts made to the college and foundation, which we will respectfully utilize to meet our donors’ intentions and wishes. We will work closely with you to ensure we best meet your expectations and your vision for each gift while encompassing the college values of community, access, respect and excellence.

We are happy to explore your ideas, answer any questions about existing funds held at Selkirk College or Selkirk College Foundation, and to provide guidance on achieving your giving goals.

Andrew Jupp
Manager of Advancement & Community Relations

Colleen Matte
Coordinator of Donor & Alumni Engagement

Mailing Address
Advancement Office
Selkirk College, 820 Tenth Street
Nelson, BC V1L 3C7

Please make cheques payable to Selkirk College Foundation and mail to the Advancement Office.

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