Business Administration Professional Management - Diploma
Advancement with Professional Management
Today’s professional managers perform delicate balancing acts of planning, organizing, directing and monitoring to achieve their company’s fullest potential. Business Administration Professional Management teaches you how to master these concepts and advance your career to maximize your salary earning potential.
This concentration provides students with the tools to function competently in the management environment. Graduates develop skills in physical resource and operations management, marketing, sales, financial systems, human resource management and strategic management. A number of credits extend to professional designations.
Leadership Delivers
Our well-balanced curricula of business management fundamentals trains you to successfully lead your team and deliver measurable workplace results. With a focus on essential professional management knowledge and skills, we train you for successful careers in:
- Marketing and sales
- Human resource management
- Operations management
- Financial systems
- Entrepreneurship
- Project management

Common first-year courses must be completed before moving into second-year courses. For first-year courses and admission requirements, see Business Administration.
Program Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, learners will be able to:
1. Explain and apply terms, concepts, and theories relevant to Canadian business
2. Communicate effectively in various formats to a variety of stakeholders
3. Demonstrate management thinking and problem-solving at the foundational level
4. Use a range of contemporary digital technologies effectively
5. Apply multi-stakeholder perspectives in decision-making
Admission Requirements
In addition to meeting the general entrance requirements for admission to Selkirk College, applicants must meet the following Business Administration requirements:
- English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60% or higher required. For international applicants, IELTS 6.0 overall band score with no band below 5.5, or equivalent on other internationally recognized English Language Proficiency Tests.
- Any Math 11 with a minimum of 60%. Note that students who may pursue a university degree in Business should complete a pre-calculus course.
The deadline for receiving required documentation is stated in the student’s admissions letter.
An interview (in person or by telephone) with the program advisor may be required before entry to the program.
Students are required to complete an orientation at the beginning of the program.
Where space permits, students may be admitted up to the end of the first week of the semester.
The program may be taken on a full-time or part-time basis.
1. Early Entry
a) Subject to Chair approval applicants who lack the specific English or Math entrance admission requirements may still gain admission to the program through a multi-level entry system which allows students to take a combination of program and upgrading courses in the first year.
b) Early Entry students will not be able to advance beyond their first year (30 credit hours) until any and all upgrading requirements are met.
c) This mode of entry can extend the duration of the program accordingly as not all courses are offered every term.
2. General
a) Applicants must submit a completed application form and other required documents (i.e. secondary school and any post-secondary transcripts, application package) to the Registrar's office.
b) Program Chairs, Advisors or Counsellors, in consultation with Assessment Services, will determine which subtests of the CRT may be completed to support applicants' personal learning plans.
c) Entry to the Program may be made at the commencement of the Fall, Winter, or Spring semesters. However, normal entry is at the beginning of the Fall semester. The progression of courses may be different dependent on which semester the student commences studies.
d) Where space permits students may be admitted up to the end of the first week of the Fall and Winter semesters, and first week of the Spring semester. Admission beyond this point will only be possible with the approval of the instructor(s) involved.
e) Entry may be limited by prerequisites, space limitations and/or completion of preadmission assessment. International students' entry may be limited where international student enrolment targets or limits have been met.
f) Accepted applicants may be placed in particular classes and/or sections by the School Chair or designate.
g) No class or section switches will be permitted after the first week of the Fall, Winter, or Spring semester. All class or section switches require the approval of the School Chair or designate.
h) Students admitted to a specific program will be given preferred access to that program's courses.
3. Part-time Study
a) The Program accommodates part-time study. Special consideration has been given to the integration of part-time students into the program. However, only full-time students are eligible for Co-op work term experiences.
b) Subject to space limitations and prerequisites, students who wish to take fewer than the maximum number of courses in any semester may do so.
c) International students are responsible to determine whether part-time studies will affect one's study permit, ability to work and future status in Canada post-graduation.
This program is eligible for co-op education opportunities. Details under Program Specific Regulations.
In order to receive your credential in your program, you must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00.
1. To be promoted in good standing, a student must achieve a minimum program GPA of 2.00.
2. Early Entry students must complete upgrade courses before registering beyond 30 program credit hours or receive prior approval from the School Chair or designate.
3. To be qualified for automatic admission into a course which stipulates a prerequisite, a minimum grade of "C" or better must be achieved in the prerequisite course, unless the course concerned requires a higher grade.
4. Students will not be permitted to exceed a full semester course load except with the permission of the School Chair or designate.
5. Two (2) failures in a non-elective course is cause for withdrawal from the program. A third attempt at a course may be made at the discretion of the School Chair or designate.
6. Any student who has left the program because of unsatisfactory performance may be readmitted with the approval of the School Chair or designate after consultation with instructors.
1. A student who has completed the Diploma graduation requirements with a cumulative program GPA of 3.50 or better and no "C+" or lower grades in any subject will be designated as graduating with Honours.
2. A student who has complete coop requirements as stated above will be designated as graduating with Coop.
3. Requirements: see Policy 8617: Graduation
ADMN100 - Skills Orientation
ADMN 100 Skills Orientation will welcome students to Selkirk College and highlight the expected knowledge and skills that will be required in all School of Business programs. This course will provide resources and learning opportunities to assist students in acquiring the essential skills in math and computer applications to support the successful completion of their chosen program in business. In addition, this course introduces several important college policies and programs that all students need to be aware of.
ADMN170 - Introduction to Business
ADMN 170 Introduction to Business is a course that introduces students to the management and operation of business, including the principles, concepts, ideas and tools used by managers. In addition, the course exposes students to international and local business issues, and to large companies as well as to smaller, entrepreneurial firms. This course also provides an introduction to Career exploration and preparation
COMM240 - Financial Accounting I
COMM 240 Financial Accounting I is an introductory course in accounting from the basic accounting equation to the preparation of the income statement, statement of owner's equity and balance sheet. This course covers merchandise operations, valuation and control of cash, temporary investments and receivables, inventories and cost of goods sold, principles of internal control and capital assets. Includes important accounting principles and concepts as well as the classification of accounts. The use of special journals, worksheets and computerized accounting is also covered.
ECON106 - Principles Of Macroeconomics
ECON 106 Principles of Macroeconomics covers: national income accounts, national income determination model, monetary system, monetary and fiscal policy, problems with the Macro System, inflation, unemployment, etc.; international trade - balance of payments, exchange rates, capital flows.
MATH125 - Business Mathematics
MATH 125 Business Mathematics is intended for first year students enrolled in the Business Administration program. It stresses the mathematics required in financial processes. The course starts with a review of basic arithmetic and algebra. With these skills the student will solve several practical business problems. Topics include (but are not limited to) ratio and proportion, merchandising, break-even analysis, simple interest and promissory notes, compound interest and effective rates, equivalent payment streams, simple and general annuities, annuities due and deferred annuities, amortization of loans and payment schedules.
MATH140 - Calculus I for Social Sciences
MATH 140 Calculus I for Social Sciences is an introductory course in calculus designed to provide students majoring in business, the life sciences or the social sciences with the necessary mathematical background for further study in these areas. The course includes functions, limits, the derivative and its application, anti-differentiation and the indefinite integral and an introduction to differential equations.
TWC164 - Business Communications I
TWC 164 Business Communications I is an introduction to the fundamentals of effective written business communication and their application to workplace communication. Additionally, students will solidify and advance their skills in researching and presenting ideas and reports.
ENGL110 - College Composition
ENGL 110 introduces students to the world of scholarly writing -- reading it, thinking about it, and producing it as academic researchers. Students will explore how professional and/or academic writers across disciplines communicate to a variety of audiences. Students will practice active reading, writing and critical thinking skills by conducting scholarly research on a topic. This course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to write effectively within academic contexts.
Students who may pursue a university degree should take ENGL 110 instead of TWC 164.
ADMN181 - Marketing
ADMN 181 Marketing introduces students to basic concepts and principles of marketing. Topics include Canadian entrepreneurship, small business management, evaluation of business opportunities, and marketing management. Market planning will be emphasized as well as practical decision making in regards to evaluating the business environment, market segmentation, market research, and strategy choices. The marketing mix or product, price, place of distribution, and promotion will be discussed in depth.
COMM241 - Financial Accounting II
COMM 241 Financial Accounting II is the second financial accounting course, reviewing and enlarging upon concepts and principles, their application to and effect upon financial statements. Topics include: capital and intangible assets, current and long-term liabilities, partnership accounting, accounting for corporate transactions, notes and bonds payable, the cash flow statement, and financial statement analysis.
ECON107 - Principles Of Microeconomics
ECON 107 Principles of Microeconomics usually taken following Economics 106 Principles of Macroeconomics. Topics covered include: supply and demand - price supports, the agricultural problem, value theory, theory of the firm - competition, pollution, industrial organization - monopoly, public utilities, advertising, income distribution - labour unions, productivity.
STAT105 - Introduction To Statistics
STAT 105 Introduction to Statistics is intended for social, environmental science, and business students, or others who would benefit from a one-term statistics course. Topics include estimation of means and hypothesis testing. Applications are explored.
TWC165 - Business Communications II
TWC 165 Business Communications II focuses on developing oral presentation skills by practice and application. Students will develop these skills by planning and delivering speeches, pitches, interviews, and informative reports created through a rigorous research and pre-writing process.
COOP101 - Business Co-op Work-term I
COOP 101 Co-op Education Work Term is an optional course.
COOP 101 Co-op Education Work Term (worth 6 credits) can replace any second-year course except ADMN 297 Entrepreneurship. In this option, the net increase in program credits is three.
COMM220 - Principles of Organizational Behaviour
COMM 220 Principles of Organizational Behaviour is an introduction to the behaviour, relationships, and performance of individuals and groups in work organizations as well as the nature of organizational structure and processes. Organizational dynamics are examined with a view to creating an effective working environment from a human perspective.
ADMN230 - Project Management
ADMN 230 Project Management is designed as a first course in project management. Building foundation skills in project management is of value to anyone who is currently facing project planning and management challenges at work or to students in Business Administration Professional Management or technology programs. ADMN 230 Project Management gives you the foundation, experience, techniques and tools to: - Learn the 10 Project Management Knowledge Areas - plan a project effectively and successfully - manage each stage of the project life cycle successfully - work with organizational constraints - set goals and objectives tied directly to stakeholder needs - get the most from your project management team - utilize state-of-the-art project management tools to get the work done on time, within scope and on budget.
ADMN250 - Managerial Accounting
ADMN 250 Managerial Accounting examines how accounting information is used within organizations to plan, monitor and control. Managers in all functional areas will have to deal with the management accounting system of the organization they work for. The purpose of this course is to ensure that you have a basic understanding of how such systems operate, the language they use and their limitations. CPA Adapted
ADMN252 - Financial Management
ADMN 252 Financial Management course examines the role of finance and the tools and environment of financial decision making. Topics include: time value of money, foundations for valuation, financial analysis and planning, management of current assets and liabilities, capital budgeting, risk and return, and personal finance. Together with ADMN 255 this course will enable the student to acquire the needed skills and knowledge to analyze common corporate financial decisions. These two courses will also provide a basis for further advanced studies.
ADMN272 - Commercial Law
ADMN 272 Commercial Law is an introduction to law as it applies to business. The development of the courts and the machinery of justice will be outlined. A study will then be made of torts and negligence, and of contracts including their formation, interpretation, breach, assignment and discharge. Methods of carrying on business such as employer/employee, proprietorship, partnership, agency and incorporation will be introduced and compared.
ADMN265 - Operations Management
ADMN 265 Operations Management studies business operations fundamentals such as demand management, forecasting, inventory control, the EOQ model, scheduling, project management, aggregate planning, materials management, value analysis, supplier management, quality management and service center management. The concepts of sustainability and sustainable business practices will be integrated into the different topics.
ADMN286 - Human Resource Management
ADMN 286 Human Resource Management is an examination of how to most effectively utilize and manage the human element in work organizations including staffing, training and development, appraisal and compensation, industrial relations and human resources planning.
ADMN293 - Electronic Commerce
ADMN 293 Electronic Commerce for Professional Management majors in the Business Administration diploma program. This course may also be of interest to students who are interested in learning about implementing e-commerce strategies in an organization. ADMN 293 Electronic Commerce is an introduction to the business models, strategies, marketing design and analytic systems of electronic commerce business solutions. The role of electronic commerce in changing society is also an important topic. The primary aim of ADMN 293 Electronic Commerce is to identify key management considerations required in implementing e-commerce business solutions.
ADMN296 - International Business
ADMN 296 International Business offers an in-depth review of basic concepts, institutional practices and developments in the global business environment. The course also offers an introduction to international business management. Core management topics will be examined within an international framework.
ADMN297 - Entrepreneurship
ADMN 297 Entrepreneurship examines the process of researching and developing a business plan. A business plan provides a comprehensive framework for a firm's marketing, financing, and operational activities. Students will research and develop a business plan to assess the viability of a proposed business venture. Students will also learn to critically assess the viability of a business plan through completing a due diligence process.
COOP101 - Business Co-op Work-term I
COOP 101 Co-op Education Work Term is an optional course.
COOP 101 Co-op Education Work Term (worth 6 credits) can replace any second-year course except ADMN 297 Entrepreneurship. In this option, the net increase in program credits is three.
ADMN 399 Directed Studies (3) can replace second-year course with school chair approval.
1. For students who started the program prior to Fall 2020, credit toward the graduation requirements will not be given for both ADMN 295 and ADMN 297, ADMN 170 and 171, or ADMN 291 and ADMN 259.
2. ADMN 399 Directed Studies (3) can be used as an elective as described above. Alternatively, it can be added to the program to increase the total credit count. Replacing any course with ADMN 399 will not support any block transfer agreement. If adding ADMN 399 to the total program credit count, some block transfer agreements may limit block transfer to 60 credits. See program coordinator for details and implications.
Tuition & Fees
All amounts are estimates and are subject to change. Tuition amounts are based on a full-time course load. Please note that many programs have additional costs beyond those listed here. For more information, please visit Tuition & Fees.
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