Living and Learning from Grief

Grief is a sacred part of all human journeys. When we love, we implicitly agree to experience grief as a form of this love. This short course is for anyone who has experienced a loss, no matter how long ago. Participants will develop an understanding of the grief process through readings on the theory of grief and explorations of the myths of grief. By building a safe and trusting container within the group, each participant can express their unique grief through experiential learning and activities. This course will help participants to meet their own or the grief of others with compassion, acceptance, and resilience.

Meet The Instructor

Jane has been the Executive Director of the Nelson & District Hospice Society since 2012. She works with clients facing serious illness or grieving and their caregivers, providing them with compassionate support and helping them improve their quality of life. As Executive Director, she has received psycho-social palliative care training with Victoria Hospice and BC Hospice Palliative Care Association, navigation training with UBC, doula training with Soul Passages, and advanced care planning training with NIDUS. Before Jane's work with NDHS, she was a practicing attorney in New York and was active in not-for-profit management. She enjoys skiing, hiking with her family, gardening, and renovating her heritage home in Nelson.

Visit our registration page for course locations, times and fees.

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