Instructor, Early Childhood Care & Education
Veronica Maclean (she/her/hers) is first and foremost an Early Childhood Educator (ECE) bringing with her, 30+ years of experience in a variety of roles, and within multiple child care programs. Veronica is also a Selkirk College alumni, obtaining her ECE, Associate of Arts degree and HSER diploma all at Selkirk College. After participating in the Investigating Quality (IQ) Project (UVIC) Veronica went on to complete a Child and Youth Care (CYC) degree at UVIC and then a Masters in Education in ECE at UBC. Veronica is an online sessional ECED instructor at UBC and an ECCE/HSER Instructor at Selkirk College.
Other interests and projects of Veronica’s include the creation of UBC’s first early childhood education student journal; Potentia: Creating Change in Early Childhood Education. She is a member of the 2024 RECE (reconceptualizing early childhood education) program committee for the annual international conference in Chicago, Illinois. Veronica’s pedagogical commitments are to leadership and rethinking the image of the educator in early childhood education. Her first academic publication will be in print mid-fall, 2024: Maclean, V. (in press). "Image of the educator: (re)Thinking identity. Journal of childhood studies.